Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why do I do the things I do? I'd tell you if I knew.

Wham - Everything She Wants. Been listening to songs from the 80s. Think they had better songwriters those days. Our parents were so darn lucky, come to think of it. Heh. I mean, come on. This song is already almost two decades old but I still love it. 2 million people on Youtube love it. Plus, George Michael has the voice. No one sings it like he does.

Another classic that's been replaying non-stop in my head - Spandau Ballet's True.

I saw this on Skins and remembered how my mom used to blast this when I was younger. Brought back loads of childhood memories. Mixed tapes. Michael Jackson. Waiting for the music videos to appear on TV.

The Skins' version with the Britain Ukelele Orchestra. Nice.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stop the hate.

Nidji - Heaven.
Here's an Indonesian band that's pretty amazing. They have already made it global, apparently. Props.

You turn the room a shade heaven.

Rie Sinclair's No Way Out. I heard this on TV the other day and I instantly loved it. Nice and slow. With just the piano. That's my kind of peace. Sorry I couldn't find a video with better audio.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I want a red 'do too.

My Chemical Romance - Sing. Anthemic, is what I'd call this one. Only knew a few of their songs before this like Helena, I Don't Love You, mostly their singles. But this album definitely goes on my best of the year list. Every single song is hella good. And I'm totally loving the new red hair on Gerard Way. Is it me or is everyone dying their hair red now? Heh.
Anyway, the rest of the album is just as great.  


Bulletproof Heart. If I had to pick this would definitely be my favourite.

Show me how you do that trick.

Just Like Heaven by The Cure. Haven't really heard their stuff before the Horsie SNL skit. Andy Samberg did a great job impersonating the lead singer by the way. All down to the hand gestures. Haha. Anyway I love how they made a sad song sound kinda uplifting.

Monday, December 27, 2010

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.

Stars- Your Ex-lover is Dead

Found this gem of a song while iTunes surfing. Stunningly beautiful.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

She said I love you boy.

She Said by Plan B. Good song, he sounds like a mix between Mike Posner and Cee-lo Green. This British dude sure can sing. Video's pretty funny too. Think it was inspired by that viral wedding dance video.

Prayin'. I like how he raps and sings. Funk, soul and hip-hop assimilated perfectly.

30 Seconds To Mars - Closer to The Edge

Did you feel the euphoria? I just felt like jumping around and screaming at the top of my lungs after watching this. Jared Leto has a voice that instantly catches your attention. Love how powerful he sounds in this. Haven't seen the video before and I must admit this is definitely one of my favourites of the year. And the year is almost ending. Definitely was one heck of a video. Well, it's nothing great being just a compilation of some of their concert vids, but still. After editing and all that star wars-ish subtitles, you get one epic-worthy video. 

Where my blog's name came from.

Black Sheep performed by Brie Larson. AKA Envy Adams of The Clash at Demonhead. Soundtrack from Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Awesome movie, by the way.

Now here's the original version performed by Metric. Raw and filled with angst. Perfect.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I love this song. Just listen and you'll be hooked. Delena scenes always have the best music. Seriously. It's like they keep all the best songs for them on purpose! Cause that's the producers' top secret agenda.  That it's all gonna lead to this amazingly epic love story that's gonna span for seasons. Yep, seasons. Hopefully as long as Law and Order. The original one. Haha. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I love my daily soundtrack.

You know. Sometimes I just get so sick of skipping multiple songs before getting a song I actually like. So. I decided to make a supercharged playlist with only songs that I NEVER EVER get bored listening to. Gets me going everyday. Loves it. I don't even need a big a$$ iPod for this. Heh. 

Disclaimer: Some stuff are new, some real old, some may be a little on the commercial side, but who cares I just like my music.

1. Tonight - Alex Band

2. Letters from the Sky - Civil Twilight

3. Rocketeer - Far East Movement

4. Ashes and Wine - A Fine Frenzy

5. Vienna - The Fray

6. I'll Do Better - Jarrod Gorbel
7. Pretty Eyes - Jason Reeves

8. Angel - Kate Voegele

9. Naive - The Kooks

10. How - Maroon 5

11. Animal - Neon Trees

12. Stop & Stare - OneRepublic
13. Let The Flames Begin - Paramore

14. Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John

15. Fortress- Pinback
16. Zombie - The Pretty Reckless

17. When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney

18. Fall For Anything - The Script

19. I'm in Here - Sia
20. Bloodstream - Stateless

21. Re-offender - Travis

22. Stay Away - The Honorary Title

23. Remembering Sunday - All Time Low

24. Makeup Smeared Eyes - Automatic Loveletter

And finally,
25. Don't Look Back in Anger - Oasis

Hope music makes your day as much as it makes mine ;)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just another sad song.

This is one of those songs which makes you feel. Just feel.

Have I mentioned I love Jarrod Gorbel?

Devilish ways, watch as they slowly replace
Innocence,was it staged or taken at that age
I'm not blaming, blaming you
But I'm not stayin', stayin' true

Too young when your mother died
You did not even cry
Just wondered where she'd gone
Ever,ever since that day
You've been too afraid
To ever sleep alone

She won't let go
No matter what I say or do
How'd I become
Everyone that once abandoned you

What will it take?
To put you at ease

Too young when your mother died
You did not even cry
Just wondered where she'd gone
Ever,ever since that day
You've been too afraid
To ever sleep alone

Unaccountable for all that you suffered
I don't have the strength to make it go away
Just what sets you off?
Who saved you before us?
or am I just the cause
A trigger for the worst
(you would beg steal or borrow, to keep yourself here tomorrow, no I dont really want to have to break your heart)(MY FAVE PART!)

There's something I need, I need to tell you
if I don't come clean, I'd be leading you on
There's something I need, I need to tell you
if I don't come clean, I'd be leading you on

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's crunch time. What's with the haze today. The weather has gone bonkers seriously. First it rains in the morning then we're shrouded in this thick foul smelling haze. Disgusting and it gives me a major migraine. Eck.

I'm constantly surrounded by smarta$$es. Why does that bother me a little more now? I used to be able to take crap from just about anyone, both smart and dumb. Fake smart and fake dumb too. Heh.  I mean, who gives a dang about these people right. Leave them be. The world's a happier place when you look back and say hey, thank god I wasn't like that. Or was I? Hmm. Questions, questions. Where are the solutions when you need them. See different people may have different opinions of the same thing. I see the glass half full, others may see it half empty. That's my point. So I may get a tiny eensy bit pissed by the fact that smart people tend to make a mark on my annoying list, but some people may view it as something totally normal. I probably even exhibit some of those annoying traits when I didn't mean to. Hmm. I am barfing at the thought of me being a Miss Know-it-all. Not fetch. Not fetch at all. Think I'm even beginning to see the other side of it. Two sided opinions, huh. Wow, I should've been better at this last year during As. Ha!

On a side note, I rediscovered Arctic Monkeys! I used to listen to them a lot a few years back when a girlfriend intro-ed this genius of a band to me. And now I can't stop listening to their old stuff again. Indie bands own Justin Bieber. HAHAHA.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This is just one of those songs that gets me looking for the lyrics.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

You know I really used to hate alternative music. Coldplay, Nirvana, Travis and all that. Yeah, go ahead haters. You can throw whichever fruit you want in my direction. I deserve it. 

Mainstream used to be my cup of tea. All that pop crap you hear on the radio. I can listen to those insanely addictive pop anthems over and over again. That was THEN. 

Now, I don't even listen to the radio anymore. Rap and autotune. The two must haves for songs to even claim a spot on the Billboard Top 100. Sad, isn't it. 

I want real music. It's great that shows have awesome soundtracks. I salute music supervisors/directors. Well, except maybe for Glee. Heh. They need to tweak their song choices a little. Anyways, now I get most of my new stuff from shows. Google and I have became the best of friends. :P

Sia-I'm in Here

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Heard this song on One Tree Hill and I'm hooked.

Jarrod Gorbel from The Honorary Title - I'll Do Better

Don't know why I really,really like the song though. Probably 'cause it seems as if he's been hurt and wrote a darn good song about it. Sad songs always make me happy. How ironic.

And the fact that he looked as hot as he sounded was a definite plus! gosh, that voice.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Jupiter Sunrise - Steal Me. I hate Jason Mraz but I like this. Shoot me.

Pinback - Fortress. On my must-hear playlist every single day. Gets me going somehow.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Birthdays are overrated.

This song is pretty eerie but I like it. It's the kind of song which you can't remember the main tune, but you can't stop listening to it again and again. I like it. 

Been up to a whole bunch of stuff lately. University, outings, aimless walks around town, public bus rides, window shopping, actual shopping, yada yada. The funny thing is I don't seem to be needing as much sleep as before. I sleep late and wake up early. Trust me, I've tried sleeping without setting my alarm and I'm still up by 7 or 8am. Mostly 7 ish now. Am I turning senile? What the nonsense. 

I used to dread the thought of turning old, which meant that I usually didn't look forward to birthdays. Hur. That's pretty weird, no? Birthdays are supposed to be all fun and joy and laughter and whatever happy word there is out there, but I just don't see it that way. I mean, there are plenty of joyous occasions happening throughout the year itself, right? Some are worthy of being labelled epic. Birthdays shouldn't be the highlight of the year. The entire year should be looked forward to. Anticipated. That's the way we should live. Yata!

Friday, August 20, 2010

I have a problem. 
Aha, don't worry it's not a drug problem, or something (JEEZ) It's just that I have this irritating habit of wanting to find the name of any new song I randomly hear on commercials, on the radio, in movie trailers, or even in the supermarket (you know, cold storage plays some pretty sweet tunes) So the other day at Far East I noticed (technically not noticed, since I heard not saw but err doesn't matter) that most of the shops were playing covers of current pop hits. It took me a while to realise that, though. You'll understand. First, check out one of the songs below. 

Yeah, I know. Sounds like the stuff they play at the Starbucks. Eheh. But admit it. Don't you actually like the music they play there? Suits the atmosphere and kinda enhances your java sipping experience. Haha. Despite how cheesy it sounds, it's true! 

They're a Filipino group that covers pop songs, Bossa Nova style. Was extremely difficult to look up anything about them though. Very new, I suppose. But they're managed by a Singaporean company. So I'm guessing they distribute it to the stores here for our shoppers' pleasure? Haha. 

New songs for my playlist! Nice.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Okay, for a few weeks I've been googling Prince George's Park Residences hoping to catch a sneak peak of the rooms. Sadly, I couldn't find any recent pictures. AT ALL. People are just too lazy to upload, huh. Anyway, the moment I reached I whipped out my camera. In the blog they go.

Was pretty impressed by the room. A little small, I suppose. But I had a smaller room back in Anglican House, so I was satisfied. And oh yeah. Did I mention this one's a single room?

The study table is built in, so it's quite sturdy. Nice. The shelf below is movable though. Wheels.

The bed size? Single. But I bought a super single bedsheet and it fit just nicely. Apparently they don't sell single size bedsheets anymore. Asked around. People sleep with their limbs outstretched now. How comfortable. Heh.

The wardrobe. There's a set of drawers in there that can be locked. Lots of space for clothes, with extra storage units above and below.

Common toilets. Is it me or was I the only one using the toilets? Super squeaky clean. 

Common kitchen. Each floor has its own, so don't worry about the fridge getting hogged. Looked unused. The kettle smelled funky. 

They have an electric oven! Oooh.

Doubt I'll use it. Haha.

Main foyer. Looks like some high class condo.

And the best part, the minimart! They have everything here, from pillows to cereal to stationery! I even found a USB hub there. And cheap cheap too. Fairprice ain't got nothing against them. Just a 2 min walk from my place.

So there you go. PGPR, 2010 edition.
You're welcome.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What time is it?

Sum-mer time!

Err. Fail. Never mind. The point is,

It's time to switch up my music library to make space for some slick summery tunes. SXSW has plenty of awesome indie music up on Youtube. Why have I not seen this earlier? Gosh. It's like indie music porn there. Overloaded on raw, authentic music. Good stuff.

Now I feel like Lilo from that Disney movie.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm gonna dance someday, y'know?

dream 1 @ Yahoo! Video
What an NLT-filled week. First with Artie dancing in Glee. Like ZOMGSPIDERS! He's the most fantabulous dancer among all the Glee kids (trust me, I used to be so obsessed back in '08, jeez) and they are SO evil to put him in that wheelchair! Stupid fraks.
They must have this miraculous moment in the future (hopefully sooner) when Artie finally gets out of that chair. This is television, things can happen. 

Next is Travis Garland on American Idol. OMG that's the biggest platform to kick off one's career! Good for him, though I still sorta blame NLT's breakup on him. Hmmph. Anyway, hope we get to watch some NLT action on the stage. Beeteedubs, first time I'm watching Idol with enthusiasm this year. Sweet move, Idol.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Move aside, Vampire Weekend.

Two Door Cinema Club may very well be the next VW. Check it.

Or if you're feeling emo today, try All Time Low's Remembering Sunday.

This one's the original actually. With Juliet Simms. Now she's a screamer.

How would we survive without music, seriously.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Remember this? Even if you don't, I command you to watch all of it  NOW. Shoo. Pretty amazing stuff there.
How do people come up with any of that??? RIDONKULOUS.
Anyway, there's a new video up! The battle continues.

Come on, aren't you even remotely interested in how a guy could manage to play, let alone CONSTRUCT, a tune on GAMEBOY??? It's a friggin game console! Whoa.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kinda feel like it don't make sense.

I know, I know, I'm a bloody hypocrite. I say I hate singers who autotune themselves but hey, everyone says stupid things sometimes, right? I can't get this song out of my head! Roped my sister in too. Now both of us are singing this song day and night. Even in the shower, before we sleep. Argh. Catchy tune, catchy lyrics. Gets me every darn time.

 The Ready Set - Love Like Woe (the video's just too cute so must feature on blog heh)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The other day I found Anya Marina's cover of T.I.'s Whatever You Like. On Myspace. Yeah, I just get a thrill finding random songs like that. After streaming it for a few seconds, my sister comes in and announces that she knows the song! How random. I ask her how. I mean, how would an 11 year old come across a song about sex, jets and booze??? So. Surprise, surprise. She won't tell. Kids and their secrets. Anyway, after some probing, found out the song was first played on an episode of Gossip Girl. Which she watched. Before I banned her from watching (long story). A little more googling and whaddayaknow. It was featured in the threesome scene?! The odd part is she remembers stuff like that. Fascinating.

Loved her song Satellite Heart from the New Moon soundtrack (one of the better ones actually) But from this video, she kinda freaks me out though.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


My Oh My.

Four months left till doomsday. 
Say waht? Not another doomsday? I thought that was over a loooong time ago. 

Nah, I'm kidding. Sounds more dramatic if I call it that, anyway. The start of Uni! The dawn of a new era, the beginning of a new chapter in my life, etc etc. Ish, I have way too many corny lines in my system. My mom was all 'Wow, I finally have a daughter in university! So old already, blah blah blah' Heh, adults. (no I would prefer not to be labeled as an adult just yet as I'm technically still a teen, hello) It's a peculiar feeling, this bubbling excitement to return to school. It's like I feel kinda bored staying at home slacking away (not that I don't enjoy it) and would rather do something more productive (read: study) (my nerdy roots kick in, so waht?) But. I also don't want to leave this lovely home of mine that soon. No more indian food, Wii nights, Gurney outings, green tea ice cream! These are the little things that make me go Man, I miss that place. I probably won't get to stay here for almost a year, ever again. OMG sad thoughts go away.

Happy thoughts, now. I found so much new music online! Why have I not heard of Meg&Dia, The Academy Is, Julian Perretta, Neon Trees! I've seriously been living under a heavy, noise cancelling rock. Period. I've died and gone to music heaven (ouch, there goes another corny line) From now on, I shall not have any commercial radio music in my library. Not that I don't like them. Of course, they release catchy tunes that go straight to no. 1 and get stuck in your head forever. But you get enough of them on the radio already, isn't that right? Plus I wouldn't feel that bad if some big artist comes to Malaysia for a concert. Come on, they're already major superstars! They've got enough moolah to feed a third world country, I'm sure. More power to the new up and coming bands! Woohoo!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

You're only as tall as your heart will let you be

The video's so short but the song kinda sticks on you. I can't stop listening to this guy. Christofer Drew, people. One man bands are so in right now. Owl City, anyone? Okay, maybe not so many. Heh. I love owls, but Owl City's so overrated. I mean, he doesn't actually sing and is autotuned most of the time. More like all the time. Sorry, but I'm not a fan. :/ The person who invented that horrible microphone should *&^%$! Stop corrupting the music industry. Let people do their thing and sing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Beautiful girls, all over the world

I gotta feeling. That this song's gonna be all over the radio soon. Loves it. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm a little bit agitated

Wasted one day of my life yesterday. What was I up to?

Let's just say I attended an extremely lousy imitation of a seminar. Which I initially assumed was inclusive of a few informative talks by some lecturers, a tea break somewhere along the way, and maybe some motivational moments? Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. 

The so called lecturers were lousy right down to the Y. They hardly even taught anything useful, much less give info related to the course itself. Amazing, all they did was entertain the 40-odd people (which strangely included many ladies in their 40s) with their wise ass jokes. And imagine sitting through their 'threats' to punish us to a song for a total of 5 and a half hours. The term 'bad experience' would definitely be an understatement, to say the least. 

Hmm. I can't really divulge much in fear of being hunted down which will turn out to be a real ugly situation. So that's about all I'll reveal here. Though I'm still pretty pissed over the whole 'time wasted' issue. Plus I paid $1XX for that?! Hmph.

I love this guy. Interesting facts: 23 years, Swedish Idol runner-up, co-wrote V Factory's Lovestruck. 

His version of Viva La Vida is pretty awesome too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Credits to

Directed by James Frost, OK Go and Syyn Labs. Produced by Shirley Moyers. The official video for the recorded version of “This Too Shall Pass” off of the album “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky”. The video was filmed in a two story warehouse, in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA. The “machine” was designed and built by the band, along with members of Synn Labs ( ) over the course of several months.

They should really get an award for this. Think of all the details, planning, testing. Man, I can go nuts making this.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

This midwest town is gonna miss you

This guy/song/guy+song just makes me smile. Definitely goes on my HappySongs playlist. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I think I may have OCD.

Okay. I'm just gonna post some stuff I've been listening to here so I can find them again next time when I have one of  those 'what's that song again?' moments. Trust me, I do.

First off, Varsity Fanclub. I know, Erin's probably gonna blast me for putting this up since I basically became an anti-VFC fan after finding out they've made a cover of NLT's Like Dat. Grr. Stick to your own songs, will you? NLT may have been whack but to me, they still are the ultimate modern day boyband. Period. So go away haters.

Just kidding. :P (I bet nobody even gets what I'm rambling on here)

Original by NLT (RIP)

Cover by Varsity Fanclub

Ish. Geramnya.
Anyway. Life goes on.
I really really dig this next one. Cute and cheesy but totally not mainstream. Loves it.
Girl Like That - With lyrics!

And now. My new rebound band. V Factory!
With Asher Book from Fame! (you know, the one who sang Try?)
I quote fellow fangirl: 'The moment I saw Asher I blacked out and had to start watching it again'
V Factory - Lovestruck (Live)

Sick moves.
But no wait. They are funny people too! Check this out.

This is the kind of thing that makes me happy. Heh. I'm pretty easy to please.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Real life Barbies?

Nope. Just Girls Aloud.

Reminds me of a certain asian group, hmm. Super cute though.

Monday, February 1, 2010


You know what? It's been raining award shows since Jan. And I sure had fun watching all those airbrushed celebs walking down the red carpet being critiqued by our favourite Enews correspondents. I absolutely enjoyed Joan Rivers on the Fashion Police, by the way. Call me a bimbo, but it's interesting (and funny) to see how celebs who are supposed to be the epitome of high fashion, get carried away with their stylist. Sometimes I'll just be like, WHAT. WERE. THEY. THINKING. Mouth open and everything. Even the girl on the street can dress better!

So let me have my say on the recent Grammys. Honestly, I love the show. Never missed a single one. The performances are always special, with remixed songs or even surprising pairings. You never know what they'll be throwing at you. This year's started pretty good, with Lady Gaga and Sir Elton John opening. You can never go wrong with Lady Gaga. She sings LIVE, for one. And the whole duet thingy was amazing. Was kinda distracted by the earring though. Heh.

He stole my art, he sto-o-ole my art

Beyonce was as bootylicious as ever. Thought she was gonna fall anytime in those heels. Eek. Wouldn't want a repeat of that. Hmm, what was next. Oh yeah, BEP. Heavy bass and dancing/jumping human boomboxes. Awesome. Don't really like their latest single Imma Be. Why must people use wrong grammar in songs? It's cool, really? Don't know about that. My dad was definitely puzzled. 

And then there was T Swizzle. Aka Taylor Swift. Oh yeah, there wasn't a Kanye in sight. Interesting. She was a little blah, not in her usual glittery outfits. Was a little surprised she took home the big one, Best Album. I bet all those other nominees were shocked too, having lost to 19 year old Taylor. Well, I guess it pays to write your own songs. Kudos to her for that.

Very 'chao lao'. Heh.

The MJ tribute was just weird. In 3D?! Come on, the success of Avatar doesn't mean that anything would look better in 3D. Instead, the celebs just looked awkward in those glasses. Trying to look cool too. Not right lah. Should be available ONLY in theatres near you. 

Friday, January 22, 2010

You're never gonna be anybody else
You're never gonna see until you see yourself
So come on come on see how it goes
Come on come on take a deep breath
And don't let go