Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just another sad song.

This is one of those songs which makes you feel. Just feel.

Have I mentioned I love Jarrod Gorbel?

Devilish ways, watch as they slowly replace
Innocence,was it staged or taken at that age
I'm not blaming, blaming you
But I'm not stayin', stayin' true

Too young when your mother died
You did not even cry
Just wondered where she'd gone
Ever,ever since that day
You've been too afraid
To ever sleep alone

She won't let go
No matter what I say or do
How'd I become
Everyone that once abandoned you

What will it take?
To put you at ease

Too young when your mother died
You did not even cry
Just wondered where she'd gone
Ever,ever since that day
You've been too afraid
To ever sleep alone

Unaccountable for all that you suffered
I don't have the strength to make it go away
Just what sets you off?
Who saved you before us?
or am I just the cause
A trigger for the worst
(you would beg steal or borrow, to keep yourself here tomorrow, no I dont really want to have to break your heart)(MY FAVE PART!)

There's something I need, I need to tell you
if I don't come clean, I'd be leading you on
There's something I need, I need to tell you
if I don't come clean, I'd be leading you on

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