Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's crunch time. What's with the haze today. The weather has gone bonkers seriously. First it rains in the morning then we're shrouded in this thick foul smelling haze. Disgusting and it gives me a major migraine. Eck.

I'm constantly surrounded by smarta$$es. Why does that bother me a little more now? I used to be able to take crap from just about anyone, both smart and dumb. Fake smart and fake dumb too. Heh.  I mean, who gives a dang about these people right. Leave them be. The world's a happier place when you look back and say hey, thank god I wasn't like that. Or was I? Hmm. Questions, questions. Where are the solutions when you need them. See different people may have different opinions of the same thing. I see the glass half full, others may see it half empty. That's my point. So I may get a tiny eensy bit pissed by the fact that smart people tend to make a mark on my annoying list, but some people may view it as something totally normal. I probably even exhibit some of those annoying traits when I didn't mean to. Hmm. I am barfing at the thought of me being a Miss Know-it-all. Not fetch. Not fetch at all. Think I'm even beginning to see the other side of it. Two sided opinions, huh. Wow, I should've been better at this last year during As. Ha!

On a side note, I rediscovered Arctic Monkeys! I used to listen to them a lot a few years back when a girlfriend intro-ed this genius of a band to me. And now I can't stop listening to their old stuff again. Indie bands own Justin Bieber. HAHAHA.

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