Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm a little bit agitated

Wasted one day of my life yesterday. What was I up to?

Let's just say I attended an extremely lousy imitation of a seminar. Which I initially assumed was inclusive of a few informative talks by some lecturers, a tea break somewhere along the way, and maybe some motivational moments? Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. 

The so called lecturers were lousy right down to the Y. They hardly even taught anything useful, much less give info related to the course itself. Amazing, all they did was entertain the 40-odd people (which strangely included many ladies in their 40s) with their wise ass jokes. And imagine sitting through their 'threats' to punish us to a song for a total of 5 and a half hours. The term 'bad experience' would definitely be an understatement, to say the least. 

Hmm. I can't really divulge much in fear of being hunted down which will turn out to be a real ugly situation. So that's about all I'll reveal here. Though I'm still pretty pissed over the whole 'time wasted' issue. Plus I paid $1XX for that?! Hmph.

I love this guy. Interesting facts: 23 years, Swedish Idol runner-up, co-wrote V Factory's Lovestruck. 

His version of Viva La Vida is pretty awesome too.

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