Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today was ohkay. I mean, I like chem. Can be a bitch at times, but I still prefer it over pulleys and nuclear reactions (shudders).  Have I told you the story of why the subject and I click? No? Well doesn't matter cause here I go. It all began in sec school when I had serious problems with chem. I just didn't get it. None of it. So anyway, went scouting in desperation for a miracle tutor and wahla - my love for chem is ignited. All thanks to Mr B. Kudos to him. Great teacher. Everything started making sense after that. Cheesy, but true.

And you know what? I want to love physics too. But I think it all goes back to sec school when I had one of the most, ahem, memorable? physics teachers ever. Haha. Those Georgians would know who I am talking about. Heh. Physics and I, we just don't work together. Hmm. Shall resume repairing said relationship.


I love it when she shouts.

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