If you think PMS is bad, wait till you drop the P. Man, this sucks.
I want to run and jump and do whatever physical activity humanely possible. Staying cropped up in the room for an entire day makes one go insane. Seriously. Though this ranting may be due to the ahem, current circumstances. I'm strange, aren't I. I don't PMS. At least I don't think so. Cause how would I know when I'm doing it when I'm not even aware if 'it' is coming yet. Makes sense, no? Haha.
Anyway, One Republic is THE band. Love them. Love Ryan Tedder. Tedder. What an awesome last name. Mr Tedder. Though it gives room to a heck a lot of nicknames. Their songs may be overplayed and all, but heck who cares. They rock and that's why 73 mil viewers on Youtube love them. Yes, 73 MILLION. Like whoa. I bet it's not stopping there either. Btw didn't know they had a different music video for Apologize.
Yeah, here it is. Came out way back in 2006 when nobody even knew who they were. The song's much better without Timbaland IMHO. RyanT sounds younger and more 'raw'. Still emo though. Maybe even more. Love the obliteration at the end. BOOMZ.
November seems happening. Heh.