Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Remember this? Even if you don't, I command you to watch all of it  NOW. Shoo. Pretty amazing stuff there.
How do people come up with any of that??? RIDONKULOUS.
Anyway, there's a new video up! The battle continues.

Come on, aren't you even remotely interested in how a guy could manage to play, let alone CONSTRUCT, a tune on GAMEBOY??? It's a friggin game console! Whoa.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kinda feel like it don't make sense.

I know, I know, I'm a bloody hypocrite. I say I hate singers who autotune themselves but hey, everyone says stupid things sometimes, right? I can't get this song out of my head! Roped my sister in too. Now both of us are singing this song day and night. Even in the shower, before we sleep. Argh. Catchy tune, catchy lyrics. Gets me every darn time.

 The Ready Set - Love Like Woe (the video's just too cute so must feature on blog heh)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The other day I found Anya Marina's cover of T.I.'s Whatever You Like. On Myspace. Yeah, I just get a thrill finding random songs like that. After streaming it for a few seconds, my sister comes in and announces that she knows the song! How random. I ask her how. I mean, how would an 11 year old come across a song about sex, jets and booze??? So. Surprise, surprise. She won't tell. Kids and their secrets. Anyway, after some probing, found out the song was first played on an episode of Gossip Girl. Which she watched. Before I banned her from watching (long story). A little more googling and whaddayaknow. It was featured in the threesome scene?! The odd part is she remembers stuff like that. Fascinating.

Loved her song Satellite Heart from the New Moon soundtrack (one of the better ones actually) But from this video, she kinda freaks me out though.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


My Oh My.

Four months left till doomsday. 
Say waht? Not another doomsday? I thought that was over a loooong time ago. 

Nah, I'm kidding. Sounds more dramatic if I call it that, anyway. The start of Uni! The dawn of a new era, the beginning of a new chapter in my life, etc etc. Ish, I have way too many corny lines in my system. My mom was all 'Wow, I finally have a daughter in university! So old already, blah blah blah' Heh, adults. (no I would prefer not to be labeled as an adult just yet as I'm technically still a teen, hello) It's a peculiar feeling, this bubbling excitement to return to school. It's like I feel kinda bored staying at home slacking away (not that I don't enjoy it) and would rather do something more productive (read: study) (my nerdy roots kick in, so waht?) But. I also don't want to leave this lovely home of mine that soon. No more indian food, Wii nights, Gurney outings, green tea ice cream! These are the little things that make me go Man, I miss that place. I probably won't get to stay here for almost a year, ever again. OMG sad thoughts go away.

Happy thoughts, now. I found so much new music online! Why have I not heard of Meg&Dia, The Academy Is, Julian Perretta, Neon Trees! I've seriously been living under a heavy, noise cancelling rock. Period. I've died and gone to music heaven (ouch, there goes another corny line) From now on, I shall not have any commercial radio music in my library. Not that I don't like them. Of course, they release catchy tunes that go straight to no. 1 and get stuck in your head forever. But you get enough of them on the radio already, isn't that right? Plus I wouldn't feel that bad if some big artist comes to Malaysia for a concert. Come on, they're already major superstars! They've got enough moolah to feed a third world country, I'm sure. More power to the new up and coming bands! Woohoo!