Thursday, December 3, 2009

beautiful song. love it. why can't songs like this get grammys? puzzling.
btw this year's grammy nominees are extremely disappointing.
dominated by the commercial stuff. shingz.

so. i finally came back. love the new room. (my room is so floral its amazing) thanks mom. you're the best.
spent the entire day hibernating in the room. i don't get it. i actually feel jetlagged.
and the funny thing is there's no time difference. huh.
i miss singapore. to be honest. no more shopping trips and random outings.
i'm stuck here till i get a license to drive. and i'm not really looking forward to that either.
but well, this is penang. gotta learn sooner or later, right? :)

had the best breakfast this morning.
that's one thing i just gotta have.
oh yeah got a new haircut. previous one made me feel heavy. me no likey.
but this one. the lady seemed to be cutting enough hair to make a wig, seriously. haha.

great to be back.

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