Saturday, July 18, 2009

Unexpected phone calls are fun.

Good album.
Such a shame I hear stories of her cutting.

Was intending to wake up early this morning for the usual but ended up sleeping in. Man, school gives me fatigue. More than anything else. And I just spent my morning watching a couple of episodes of What I Like About You. Season 1. Not too slapstick. (btw, why slapstick? why slap? why stick? puzzling) Makes for a good morning breakfast companion.

NLB yesterday. Finished up Chem, which was an absolute bore. Nevertheless, so happy I'm done with that. Today's objective : physics. ARGH. My 'favourite' subject. Sorry Mr G, but I just can't find any joy in it. Believe me, I've tried.

Never really explored NLB before. Found out they have an entire floor just for noobs like me to mug. And they extended hours too. Yet again, you impress me Singapore. All for the sake of conducive learning. Nyeh. The place's really good for people watching though. Or shall I call it observing? Interesting.

Orchard Central. A building with the stairway to heaven. Literally.
Well, not exactly a stairway, but an escalator. Yep, it's more high tech now. Haha. But seriously though, there's a real heaven up at the end.

Quiznoz for dinner. Yum! Beats Subway hands down. Too bad there's only 3 branches. :/
Today : Edu fair. Whoopee.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ah yes. Here I am again. Well, I had this urge to liven things up here. Went to the very publicised Robinson's Sale at Expo. T'was my first time there. Yep, I'm an Expo virgin. Nothing to shout about, really. Reminded me of Suntec. That's the thing with buildings in Singapore. I think they're all probably designed by the same people. Everything single one looks the same! Puzzling. Grey, metallic walls with those high glass thingies. Boring, much?

Anyway, they had Esprit! I was hyperventilating when I saw the awesome red banner. Gosh I love Esprit. I get all nostalgic everytime I even step into an Esprit store. Remembering all those times I had back in Penang with my mom, choosing and trying, deciding for hours over which colour suits me best. Oh, how I miss. But I didn't even buy anything this time round. So disappointing. Lost its appeal.

BUT, I did manage to get these cute little pair of metallic brown sandals, for less than 20 SGD. That kinda made my day, for a bit there. Buying new things is therapeutic. And now I'm contemplating whether to do Chem when I know I'm supposed to.


I should go.