Saturday, June 7, 2008

Music-related Post :)

Heard this new band called Melee. In the words of Barney, AWESOME. Very Rooney-ish. Me likey. Debated with my mom over whether they were British or American. I won. ha. I mean, don't they sound pure American to you? British bands have this certain type of sound. You just know they're British. Let's take Phantom Planet (American) and um, McFly(?) (British). Phantom Planet's music is very laidback, the kind that you hear in movie scenes when there are roadtrips.

California... Californiaaaaaaa... Caaaaaaa

On the other hand, McFly's very very shouty. They shout and shout and shout. They hardly SING. Except in "All About You", which is the only song I think is pretty decent (sorry Mcfly fans).

ANYWAY. Melee rocks. Still don't know how to pronounce it though. Gotta youtube them.

Another song which is stuck in my head (and going to be for another few more days) is Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks. The annoying song with the whistling. Yep. That's the one.
I found out that the song is pretty overused. They have it in every show. There's even a youtube video that shows how much it is overplayed. Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Grey's A., blahblahblah. My dad was watching a movie called 21 and there it goes again. The real addictive whistling tune.

I'll be back.